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Defeat Diabetes with diet

George Elder

Updated: May 9, 2024

Equipment for measuring blood glucose

For some years now, the advocates of a low-carbohydrate diet have been highlighting its success for weight loss, brain health, overall health, for putting Type-2 Diabetes into remission and also for assisting Type-1 Diabetics manage their condition.  These claims are supported by the true experiences of people who have made the transition to the low carb lifestyle and have reduced medication or gone into full remission.

Historically it was believed that carbohydrates were essential as they convert into glucose when eaten and this was considered important for the brain which requires a small regular amount of glucose.  What was overlooked is that the human body is able to make glucose from protein and fat as required for the brain and other organs, using a well understood process called gluconeogenesis.  This is how societies such as the Masai, Inuit, Aborigines and others who traditionally ate a low to zero level of carbohydrates survived.  It is also how people and animals can survive on a full carnivorous diet.

We also believed that humans needed to eat carbohydrates for energy.  Today we know that we can use fat for energy just fine and the heart actually prefers fat.  When people have a carbohydrate dominant diet, over time, their body adjusts, becoming more dependent on it and they lose their natural metabolic flexibility.  This is where the body can rapidly switch between glucose for energy or fat for energy, whatever is available.   The difficulty understanding fat for energy was the lack of knowledge about the time (up to 4 weeks) required for a carbohydrate dependent person to re-adapt to using fat for energy and become metabolically flexible.  Early tests on athletes which had not undergone this adaption period returned poor performance for fat as an energy source.

Many of the advocates for a low-carbohydrate diet (less than 20-50 grams daily) such as a Keto, Carnivore, or Paleo diet are doctors who have learned of others people’s success, experimented on themselves with success and are now strong advocates.  Dr Peter Brukner OAM world-renowned Sports Medicine Clinician and Researcher, formerly the Chief Medical Officer for the Australian Men's Cricket team, is one doctor who discovered this.  As a result of this revelation, he has become a strong low-carbohydrate diet advocate for overall health.

Dr. Brukner is one of the founders of “Defeat Diabetes”, an online Australian clinic specializing in helping put Type-2 diabetes into remission and improving overall health with a low-carbohydrate diet.  In a very exciting move Defeat Diabetes has now partnered with Diabetes Australia to strengthen the message about low carbohydrate diets for diabetics.  Go to and check out their news tab.  For some years in my blog and in my book, (Take Back Your Health), I have been advocating for change to our “flawed” healthy eating guidelines and hope this partnership will begin to sweep away the prevailing ignorance about the benefits of low-carbohydrate living.

From   One on one or small group consulting available. Seek professional medical advice before making dietary changes, particularly if on medication.  Questions are welcome.  Good health,  George Elder, Diet Research Reviewer, Diploma in Nutrition

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